Introducing Cosy
Corporate software is mostly bad. Ticketing systems, intranets, directories — we use them when we have to and avoid them when we can. They’re boring and clunky, with design that feels inspired by cubicles and staff meetings.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. Software can, and should, be highly tailored to a task. Built not just to solve a problem, but to actually improve your workday. Superhuman for email, Linear for issue tracking — we’re starting to demand more from our tools.
When I co-founded atSpoke, we set out to build a new kind of workplace ticketing system. One that used AI to handle the repetitive bits, and a conversational interface that felt human and approachable.
It was great for employees, but ultimately it was a tool built to improve the productivity of support teams. So I set out to create something new. Software designed to improve the everyday experience for all employees.
It’s called Cosy.
A home screen for work
The idea behind Cosy is simple: A home screen for work. A page that gets you to the docs, people, and links you need — fast. It’s got powerful, company-wide search, and personalized widgets that keep important info front and center.
And getting to it is as easy as opening a new tab.
We spend our day switching between a dozen different SaaS apps, breaking our flow. Heck, we spend 20% of our time just looking for information or finding colleagues for support. We’re losing precious time in the in-between.
Just as Google was built to organize the world’s information, Cosy’s here to do the same for your company. Whether you’re searching for a recent file, a coworker’s email, or your next team sync, Cosy can help you find it as fast as you can type it.
Our search results highlight knowledge where possible, provide rich preview cards for context, and include inline actions, so you can do what you need to and get back to your day.
Most importantly, though, Cosy’s built for you, and your job. Cosy bridges company knowledge — vacation policies, paystubs, IT tickets — and the tools you use everyday to get your job done. Whether that’s GitHub and Linear for product teams or Salesforce and Hubspot for marketing. It’s like if you could build an intranet, but just for you and your workday.
Cosy’s a platform, built to connect the apps you rely on. Want to surface knowledge from Confluence and Google Drive? We got you! Need to search both GitHub issues and Linear? No problem. Don’t see the app you need for your job? Let us know and we’ll add it to the roadmap.
Connect the apps you use and stay connected to your work.
See for yourself
From Google to atSpoke to Cosy, I’ve made a career out of improving what I call “in-between software.” Corporate software like ticketing systems or intranets. Those one-size-fits-all apps you interact with because IT or HR said you should.
But this isn’t software built for your company. It’s built for you.
Want to see Cosy for yourself? Sign up now for early access.
PS — We’re giving away a pair of AirPods Max to one lucky subscriber on the early access list when we launch, so be sure to sign up soon.